I help you navigate the dying process by empowering you with the knowledge & tools to gain more peace of mind.

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Hi there, I'm Katie Duncan

I help people (just like you) gain more comfort & peace of mind to create a more meaningful end-of-life experience.
Want to be seen, heard & supported as you navigate the death & dying process? I am here as both witness & guide to help you advocate for your goals & wishes.
Whether you're an individual or family member overwhelmed with no idea of what to ask, what to expect, or what to do... 
It would be my honor to be a part of your team - to hold a safe space, validate your experience, and empower you with the knowledge and tools to help you navigate this journey with more confidence and peace of mind.
You can show up more fully and presently in this precious time. 
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Families come to me because...


They, or their person, has just been recommended for "Hospice" or "Palliative Care" or "Comfort Care" and they have no idea what that means or what to expect
They've been told they, or their person, is "dying" and they don't know what to think
They've been told they, or their person's, "treatment is no longer working" and are trying to understand next steps & options
They're overwhelmed wishing someone would give them direction
Things are changing so quickly and they're dealing with overwhelming uncertainty, questions & doubt
They're struggling emotionally and looking for someone to guide them every step of the way
They don't want to die, but they also don't want to suffer and aren't sure how to talk about this
Or they don't want their person to die, but at the same time they want to do anything and everything they can to keep their person from suffering
They want, or want to give their person, the quality of life they deserve but aren't sure how to do that

Is this you? 

You're in the right place.

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It takes courage to reach out when you are face-to-face with devastating and life changing news. Thank you for being here.

It's my honor to be a part of your family's team to help you on this important journey. 




Death and dying are similar to birth. Self-care techniques to avoid caregiver burnout.Essential “To-Do’s” before the death of a loved one.Remarkable ways death and dying lend the opportunity for so much beauty, wonder, and tranquility. Expertise walking you through the last moments of human life. Simple yet effective ways to keeping your loved one free from pain and discomfort. The most meaningful words to share and the most precious gifts you can give your loved one before they die.Powerful stories that will open your eyes to the unique treasures of death and dying.

The Dying Process

Your Essential Guide To Understanding Signs, Symptoms & Changes At The End Of Life


Death is an inescapable part of human life. As remarkable as modern medicine has become, it simply does not prepare us for this inevitable reality. And so, when that time does come, when we find out someone we love is dying, we are overcome with shock, sadness, and fear.
As a nurse practitioner, educator & death coach, Katie Duncan has been an end-of-life guide for many precious humans & a mentor to their grieving families. In her book, The Dying Process, she helps you reframe your self-doubt & uncertainties when caring for someone at the end of life.
Through her years of experience with death and dying, Katie explains end-of-life stages as transitions beginning months before death. She leaves caregivers feeling empowered & prepared in what is likely to be the most challenging, vulnerable & distressing time of their life.
Show Me The Dying Process
The Dying Process In Spanish (en Español)

Dear Caregiver, It's Your Life Too

71 Self-Care Tips To Manage Stress, Avoid Burnout & Find Your Joy Again While Caring For A Loved One


While there are rewards to caring for those we love, there is no denying being a caregiver is a stressful job. It’s physically demanding, mentally exhausting, and emotionally draining. The responsibility wears us thin as we become a shadow of who we once were.
Having felt all this and more, Katie Duncan reveals the secrets she learned throughout her own caregiving experiences, and the shared wisdom of other caregivers she’s encountered along her path. 

It takes a very special person to be a caregiver, and you are one of them. You deserve to find your peace, your joy, and yourself again.
When you suffer, they suffer. Caring for yourself makes caring for your loved one easier and more enjoyable, leaving no room for guilt. In her book, Katie offers easy-to-follow self-care tips that are simple to use, even if you have no time to spare. 
Show Me Dear Caregiver, It's Your Life Too
Simple and easy-to-do tricks to help lower your daily stress and avoid burnout. Key resources you can utilize to get you the help you need to relieve several caregiving burdens. Solutions you can use to create more freedom and personal space to allow you to reset. A blueprint to mastering and protecting the sleep you desire and deserve. Encouraging techniques to drop the guilt, stop negative self-talk spirals, and keep you going. Inspiring practices to help improve your mood and boost your energy. strategies to help you build resilience, re-establish your self-identity, and strengthen your connection with others.

 Hi there, I'm Katie Duncan.

I'm a board certified Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner

& End of Life Coach

I've worked in healthcare in a variety of roles & specialties...

From ICUs to home hospice. To community, rehab & nursing home facilities. Throughout my career, the dying process and end-of-life care has always been my focus.

Constantly being pushed to see more patients in less time with guidelines on how often and how long I could spend with them and their families didn't feel right.

After experiencing the same limitations of the healthcare system when my grandfather was dying (this time, from the family-side) I decided to take a step back from healthcare to allow for more personalized support as an end of life doula & coach.

It has always been an honor to be at the bedside caring for and learning from those on their dying journey.

And it is a gift to be a witness & guide for families and caregivers as they support and comfort their dying person.

Death and dying are similar to birth. Self-care techniques to avoid caregiver burnout.Essential “To-Do’s” before the death of a loved one.Remarkable ways death and dying lend the opportunity for so much beauty, wonder, and tranquility. Expertise walking you through the last moments of human life. Simple yet effective ways to keeping your loved one free from pain and discomfort. The most meaningful words to share and the most precious gifts you can give your loved one before they die.Powerful stories that will open your eyes to the unique treasures of death and dying.

Facing your own death, or, preparing to lose your dying person, is hard and scary. My mission as an end of life coach is to make the end-of-life journey less hard and scary, and more graceful and meaningful.


The dying deserve to die better, and therefore, live better. And families deserve to not feel so helpless or alone.


Death Care Coach exists to support, guide, and coach families on what is arguably the most intimate, vulnerable, and personal stage of life to do just that and more.




"The few weeks leading up to my grandfather's passing were some of the most difficult weeks of my life, and I was incredibly lucky to be able to rely on Katie's compassion and guidance through the whole process. This was a completely unexpected situation for my family, and she was always available to answer my texts, have a short (or long) phone call, and provide helpful advice based on her experiences.
We had to make such a difficult decision in less than a day whether to bring my grandfather home to hospice care or to have a major amputation; talking the options through with Katie let me know we made the right decision based on his wishes and potential quality of life. She also provided us with helpful questions to ask the hospice nurses and home care aides and advice on how to help him deal with different types of pain and discomfort.
She was able to give me a rough idea of how much time he had, which gave me plenty of time to let my out-of-town family come back to say their final goodbyes... a moment I will treasure for the rest of my life. She helped me truly appreciate my grandfather's final weeks, be a better support system for my grandmother and mom, and be at peace with hard end-of-life decisions.
She really understands what families and patients need and how best to take care of their individual needs. I hope I don't have to ever go through this experience again, but I know it is one of the inevitable parts of life. However, I know that Katie would be my first call if I do."

- Jerry Parshall


"I never thought I would need a death coach, but when my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer, I felt overwhelmed by grief, fear and guilt.
I didn't know how to cope with his decline, how to make the most of our remaining time together during lockdowns, or how to prepare for his inevitable death. That's when I found Katie and Death Care Coach.
She was a godsend. She helped me understand what my dad was going through, what I was feeling, and what I could do to support him and myself. She helped me appreciate the end of his life as a sacred and meaningful journey, not just a painful loss. She also helped me heal from the unresolved grief I had been carrying since my mum died over a decade ago. She was always there for me, with compassion, wisdom and guidance. She helped me make the right decisions for my dad and for myself, without judgment or pressure.
Thanks to Katie, I was able to say goodbye to my dad with love and gratitude, and to move forward with my life with peace and hope. I can't thank her enough for her amazing work. If you are facing the death of a loved one, or struggling with your own mortality, I highly recommend Katie."

- Robert H.

"Katie Duncan was recommended to my family when my 94-year-old father-in-law who was fully in control of all his faculties, started to rapidly decline. With two doctors in our family conversing with the specialists our medical understanding of his situation was adequate, however our emotional IQ was nonexistent.
We reached out to Katie to help us figure out a way to explain to dad what was happening to him but in reality, we couldn’t come to grips with it ourselves. Katie understood this before we did and with her gentle nature, she guided us down the path we needed to go.
Katie helped us realize that what we wanted for our father, was what we would want for ourselves. She listened to all of us, and we never felt rushed.
What I personally attribute to Katie’s level of expertise was how she knew exactly how and when to ask the really hard questions. She is truly gifted and although I hope to not need her services anytime soon I would highly recommend her to anyone going through the end of life grieving process."

- Cindy R.

"Katie is kind and compassionate. Working with her helped me and my family communicate more effectively through several extremely difficult conversations about my grandfather.
She helped facilitate a group conversation with all of the family stakeholders. Her guidance helped everyone get on the same page regarding values and expectations.
Next time I would start conversations with Katie earlier before being forced to make the difficult decisions on the spot and would 100% work with her again.”

- S.R.

Video Poster Image

Marco's Testimonial

"...having you to help with the right questions or get the right advice. That was a game changer. I can tell you that was a big big difference for her because she navigated these difficult times with somebody at her side that could guide her on what to do. And not only give her more peace in her mind but it allowed her to deal with difficult things in an easier way."

Imagine how it would feel...

... To be prepared for the dying process.
To feel comforted and supported with your questions answered and your fears put to rest.
To not feel so anxious - trusting you have what it takes to support your dying person.
To show up fully & presently - making meaningful moments together
 To be free from worry, doubt, and uncertainty.
To take back control allowing you to make thoughtful, confident decisions.
To know you are honoring your dying person and giving them the best possible quality of life.

Sounds impossible, doesn’t it? 


My friend, it’s not. No matter what your situation...

You CAN have this, too. 


Because when you have end-of-life support that helps you understand what to do and make sense of what you are seeing and experiencing...

You can find peace in this precious time.

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End of Life Coaching Services


1-on-1 Support


Personalized coaching sessions tailored to meet your needs.

Text Support


Text support for quick & easy access to end-of-life expertise.

Personalized Support 


Not sure what you need? Let's connect  create a personalized plan.

Payment Plans Available. 

To request coaching services or to schedule a discovery call click the button below.

*Please note: Katie's availability is currently limited to accepting new clients*

Schedule A Free 15 Minute Call




Our Certified End of Life Practitioner Program is our Signature Online Course for those seeking to fulfill their calling as a holisitic and non-medical support person in the role of an End of Life Doula, Coach, or Guide. This program walks you step-by-step through both the medical and non-medical side of what it is to be a guide & witness, supporting a dying person & their family physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually & practically through the dying process. 

Check out our Free Introductory Death Doula Training Class to find out if this work is for you & learn how to Apply!👇

Get Your Free Training Now

The 6 Most Important Things To Do Before They Die is our easily digestible mini-course that walks you through the 6 most essential steps to take to feel better prepared throughout your dying person's end-of-life journey.

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Have questions or looking to connect? 


Please note, unfortunately Katie's availability is limited to accepting new 1:1 clients. 


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5-In-1 Printable Tools
For The Family Caregiver For
End-Of-Life Care
Facebook Community Support For
End-Of-Life Care
Books Recommendations When
Facing Death, Dying &
The End-Of-Life Journey

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Losing a loved one isn’t easy. The pain is compounded by dealing with the stress and worry of wrapping up your loved one's estate issues and notifications. 

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"Katie unconditionally provide us with guidance and advice to each family member in a very loving and patient fashion. She was truly involved in the process that each family member was experiencing and helped to navigate the process making it easier for each one of us. She was kind and friendly, nevertheless she was honest and straight forward, and never tried to sugar coat the bad news. Her honesty and sincerity was highly appreciated by my family, even when the news was not that good.
Katie was always there for us. She is very proactive with her communication, checking on every family member on a regular basis. The times we tried to reach her, she always responded in a timely manner, providing support and valuable information to take care of the issue at hand. She over delivered every time. The value she provided to my family is above and beyond. I can say without question that my family would have never gotten through this challenging experience with such grace, compassion and determination without Katie's support. Since meeting Katie, she has impressed me with her authenticity, love for life and honesty. I knew that she was the right person to support my family. 
I will say that she supported us at two different levels. One, the advice and guidance related to caregiving that she provided to my wife, who was on the front line, dealing with a situation like this for the first time, in a different country, away from her support system, it adds on an overwhelming level of uncertainty. With Katie's guidance not only was my wife able to provide the best care and comfort that was possible to her mom, but also, help her to navigate this situation with confidence, knowledge and resilience. Two, as humans we cannot divert our emotions and the sadness that comes with the difficult situation of witnessing the process of losing a beloved one. Katie was a source of light, she helped us to understand what to expect and how to manage it, with honor, love and respect. She is not shy to share her knowledge and experience in benefit of the well being of the family she is assisting, she always got the right word at the right time.  
There was a specific moment in time when my wife was overwhelmed and desperate, not getting the answers she was looking for from the local care team at her disposal. She contacted Katie, and with her guidance not only was she able to ask the right questions, but also request (and I would say demand….) the right actions that were necessary at the time. This was a game changer for my wife. She was more confident with what needed to be done and what was coming.
In another moment, when the end was getting closer and sadness and despair was inevitable, I asked for Katie advice on several matters, including how to support my wife, how to communicate with the kids, how to face the circumstances myself, and every time I got an answer that not only helped me, but with creative ideas she turned a problem into a magical experience.... and brought peace to each one of us. 
I would absolutely work with Katie again, having her at my side in such a difficult circumstances is a blessing. I truly wish that more and more families could benefit from what Katie does. It alleviated the road for my family, and I hope more families could get the same relief and help that we got." 

- Marco C.


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Katie Duncan is a member of the National End-of-life Doula Alliance . She has received both her NEDA Proficiency Badge & After Death Care Educator Proficiency Badge.


To remove the stigma around death so people can live fully and die peacefully.



We are dedicated to educating society and training individuals worldwide on death, dying, and end of life care & support.



Compassion: We approach every interaction with empathy, understanding, and respect, recognizing the sensitivity and significance of end-of-life moments.

Empowerment: We empower individuals and families to make informed decisions about their end-of-life journey, honoring their autonomy and dignity.

Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards, maintaining honesty, transparency, and trustworthiness in all aspects of our practice.

Advocacy: We respect that quality of life is unique to each individual we serve and advocate for their personal goals, wishes, priorities and supportive end-of-life care.

Equity: We support systemic changes to prevent unfair systems, policies, and forms of racism and discrimination that drive gaps in end of life care. We advocate to improve accessibility and affordability for all individuals and families. 

Legacy: We honor and preserve the legacies, memories, and stories of those we serve, recognizing the enduring impact of their lives on future generations.